Evan Koteles


Evan Koteles




What are some things you’re obsessed with?
Music, French Vanilla creamer in my coffee
What's something you do every morning?
Put the Julie and Julia soundtrack on in the background
If you were a food, what would you be and why?
Bacon, because I think its important to smell good and who doesn’t enjoy the smell of bacon?
What can’t you live without?
A guitar
What’s something that would surprise us to know?
I’m half Canadian, I think that’s why I like hockey so much too.
What are you taking with you to a desert island?
My wife or I’m a dead man
What's your hidden talent?
Shooting pool left handed
What’s your favorite hobby?
Who are the most important people (and pets!) in your life?
My mom, my wife and our dog, Yaasic.
What's a charity/cause you care about?
Going green. I hate the idea of waste & pollution so would love to advocate for more solar energy use & reusable packaging.
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